Saturday, March 24, 2012

531 W1 D3 and D4

You're going to have to bear with me while I adapt to blogging rather than just keeping a log on a forum. It's much more of a two way street there, here I feel a bit like I'm doing a 'dear diary' entry. I think I'll aim for two or three updates a week here, more might be overwhelming and less means I'll forget what's going on.

I may also need to do some name adjustments. I don't know that I can call this a BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) blog, if I only actually do BJJ on occasion. I also know I have trouble sticking to just one topic. Life is one intertwined thing, I can't always talk about fitness without mentioning other aspects of life. I'll mull over it and decide, unless someone has some input. I'm going to try to stick to fitness and health related stuff, and if you're going to have to wear pants, pajamas are the best option.

I'm going to cram this past week into one post, to catch up.

M (3/19)
AM I did a bit of incline walking and foam rolling in the morning. If you don't have a foam roller and a lacrosse ball, get them, then google myofascial release. It hurts so good. And I'm pretty sure is what keeps me able to move some days.

PM 531 W1 D3
You'll note I'm in W1 of 531 but still on D3, I'm going to have to double up. The only days I can be sure to hit the weight room are M & W, so next week, I'll do 2 days of lifting in one session.

Jump rope - I am not a very good jump roper, but I'm getting better. I like counting jumps rather than time. So 450 jumps in sets of 100.

BB BP (Barbell Bench Press)
Weight x reps

For that last one the program says just to do more than 5, but I'm not very good at not having a goal number so I picked 7. Do you guys have a way you handle that? AMRAP (as many reps as possible) doesn't work for me.

I skipped accesories, I didn't know what to do, and in those situations my natural reaction is to do nothing

Tue (3/20)
AM Spin

W (3/21)
Hula Hoop class! It fits in my schedule again! I'm not a very good hooper. In fact I sometimes have trouble just keeping it on my waist, but I really like it. It's fun. We had class outside since the weather has been lovely lately.

Then 531 W1 D4

The gym was too crowded for jump rope so I went for the KB swings instead.
30lbs KB x 75
I aimed for in a row, but did stop a few times dues to technical difficulties like people walking in front of me, or me not being able to breathe.

Squats (barbell back squats)
weight x rep

I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm finding squatting a bit scary lately. I think the light weight will help with that, but I really had to psych myself up to squat.

Th (3/22)
I decided to see what I was going to do about BW movements/accessory work. 531 says I should do 75 chin-ups, dips, GHR (glute hamstring raises), HLR (hanging leg raise), push-ups and single leg squats. Two types after each session. Seeing as for most of those I can't do one. Things need to be modified. I've decided to aim for 75 reps over the week, and have modified the movements.

So my goal is to get in one week: 75 band assisted pull-ups, 75 swiss ball pike, 75 hip-thrusts off the bench, 75 band assisted dips,75 incline push ups and 75 single leg squats each leg. As it gets easier I'll make the movements harder.

Th I knocked out the Single leg squats in sets of 10 supersetted with incline push ups in sets of 10. Took me about 45 min! I am no crossfitter.

Fr (3/23)
I ran! Outside! If you don't know me, you may think this is nothing, but running outside has been a big deal for me. I just haven't been able to make myself do it. But I sucked it up, and got in 3.3 miles of run/walk in about 50 min. The goal is to run it all. But I was happy with just getting outside, and I got to wear a new matchy outfit. I'll start posting pics once I figure out how.

Sat (3/24)
Yoga - I haven't gone in a while, it was evident.

And now we're here. Sorry for the super long post. I'll be better about bite sized from now on.


  1. For the AMAP set I always pick a number to shoot for.

    So, do I comment here or on G+??? I'm so confused....

  2. How do you pick your number James? I just went with 7 because it's a pretty number. Should I go higher?

    I'd rather people respond here. Keeps all my training info in one spot.

  3. The AMAP set will get easier and more fun once you get a few cycles in. For instance, next time you're benching 85 any number greater than 7 is what you want to go for because that will equal a new rep pr! Keep track of those somewhere. Also, since you've made 7 your number--when it's time to bench 90-can you do it 7? How about 95? This is what I like about 5-3-1--with the rep pr game--there are lots of different ways to see progress.

  4. Oh, that makes a lot of sense Laura. So next time goal is 8! Got it.

  5. all caught up. +1 for foam rolling

    Your anoymous admirer

